Monday, April 28, 2014

Fridays at the George!

More good news!

Friday nights at the George will be the place to be for sailors in RS200, RS400 and Laser fleets. There may also be an occasional cuckoo in the fold too, but incognito ;-))

Sailing starts at 1845, followed by beers and BBQ at the George. This event runs in parallel to the existing Friday night junior racing, so the place will be packed with people. Good fun expected for all!

Entry form is online at Entry is 50 Euro for Lasers, 60 for RSs. 

Looking forward to seeing lots of people there. This is an open event too - not just for the George!



Unknown said...

Looks like this is shaping up to be a lot of fun! Two quick questions: 1) any idea how much it will cost and 2) will there be changing facilities in the George available to non-club members?

Irish Kitesurfing said...

I'll ask.

Irish Kitesurfing said...

Entry fee is 50 Lasers and 60 for RSs. As for club use, it's anticipated that most people will use their own local club facilities for boat launching and for showers/etc. The series is really running alongside the existing junior sailing, which has run like that for a long while.

I guess temporary membership of the George could be looked at, as an option, for those who aren't in a local club or who are sailing from the coal harbor.

But AFAIK everyone is welcome in the bar and at the BBQ!

Unknown said...

That's great Hugh, cheers. 50 euro is a steal too.